Articles on: Campaigns

Why is Your Email Sending Stopped?


If you're trying to send a campaign and get a message saying that your email sending is stopped, our system is likely noticing something about your campaign or account that was not a usual case and needs additional attention.

However, if you're a legit business and sender, there's nothing to worry about. This can be resolved by contacting our support team and providing proof of your legitimacy. We'll try our best to quickly assess the situation and follow-up with needed actions.

This guide will explain some common reasons why your email sending is stopped, as well as how you can deal with that.

Why is your email sending stopped?

Our system tracks a number of actions done on a particular account and immediately acts if there's something unusual taken. These actions might include either or any of the following:

- Your online store does not have any contacts

- Your store has no orders

- Your online store hasn't been publicly launched yet

- Your campaign is advertising external resources (links don't go to the store linked with an account)

- Links used on your campaign are broken

- Links used on your campaign lead to low-quality domains

- Imported contact list doesn't partially correlate with one from your online store

- Low-quality email addresses are found on your contact list (i.e., outdated contact lists, purchased contact lists, spambots)

- Your campaigns reported bad metrics. As a general rule of thumb, if the reports of 1000 sample sends exceed any limit among 4% of bounce rate, 0.1% of spam rate, or 2% of unsubscribing rate, then your campaign will be stopped from sending.

What should you do?

While your account might get stopped, this doesn't necessarily mean you are considered to be a bad actor.

You should contact our support team via <> and provide more information about your business to get your email sending re-activated. Below is what will help in resolving your problem quicker:

- Provide a short description of your business (E.g., What do you do?)

- Let us know how you've collected your subscriber list (Do you have any signup forms?)

- Explain your problem in short, including screenshots if possible

This information will allow us to better know you and proceed with the needed actions. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

In addition, to improve your email deliverability, we advise you regularly to:

- Remove all non-existent email addresses

- Remove all unengaged subscribers

- Only send to opt-in contacts

- Only send the type of content that your subscribers have opted in to receive

- Make sure that your sender information (i.e., name, address) is easy to recognize for your contacts

- Send consistently: at the right time and frequency

- Make it simple and straightforward to unsubscribe

Updated on: 09/08/2021

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