Articles on: Reports

Guide to Automation Reports

It's crucial to understand how automation works in addition to using it well. In this guide, we'll show you how to check, read, and use each of the essential metrics inside the Automation reports to improve your marketing tactics with AVADA.

Before you begin

Automation reports include different levels: report on all automation workflows, report on a workflow, report on a message in a workflow.
After the automation workflow has been set up and activated, the report for the automation workflow is created. The Report will be removed if the workflow is deleted.
If other users on your team can't see the Automation reports, contact our Support Team.

How to read the Automation reports

1. Reports on all automation workflow

When clicking on Report -> General and choose the automation section, you can see an overall analytics of all automation workflow.

In this, you can see the overall report on Email sent, Email opened, Email clicked, Revenue, Unsubscribes, Suppression, SMS sent, SMS clicked, and SMS delivered.

Below, you can see the Performance report as a line chart for all automation performance over time. You can adjust the time range to view the data in a selected time period.

Scroll down and you will see a leaderboard and an email metric board to view the top performing automation and email.

2. Reports on a single workflow

Once you start sending automation workflows, you can see the reports for them. Click on Automation, and you will see the report next to all workflows. Or you can click on the type of workflow to quickly view the distinctive report.

In this report, you can view data on Sent, Opened, Clicked, Converted, and Revenue of the workflow. The types of workflow are:

Live: Workflows that are currently sending.
Draft: Workflows that created and in the process of making
Stopped: Workflows that ended, manually or automatically.
Archived: Live or stopped workflows that are saved for future purposes.

When clicking on any Live, Stopped, or Archived workflows, you can see a tab of report for it, as shown in the image below.

As you can see, you have more data with this report compared to the report outside, giving additional statistics on Unsubscribes, Suppression, SMS Sent, SMS Clicked, SMS Delivered. The names of the data pretty much self explained its purpose.

Scroll down and you will see a Performance report that list your email and SMS count in an easy-to-view line data form. You can select a time range for this chart to view your data during a specific time period.

Down below, you can find the Email Metrics and SMS Metrics, which show the performance of each email and SMS inside the workflow. If you multiple emails and SMSs inside a workflow, this will act like a leaderboard for your performance.

Report on a single message

Clicking on the Workflow tab, you can see that each element inside the workflow (SMS and email) has its own quick report that you can view to understand the impact of them on the workflow.

In this report, you can view data on Sent, Opened, Clicked, and Revenue for each element. Clicking on each element will open the right side tab, showing a report for Sent, Opened, Clicked, Converted, Revenue, and Unsubscribe of the element.


In case you forget, here is a quick reminder on the meaning of the data in the Automation Reports:

Sent (Email, SMS) represents the number of messages sent by the automation workflows within the specified period.
Opened (Email) shows the number of the opened messages, including the total and the rates for each of the messages.
Clicked (Email, SMS) indicates the amount of customers who clicked on any of the links inside each of the messages.
Converted (Email) indicates the number of customers the message contributed compared to the number of subscribers.
Revenue (Email) shows the amount of sales generated by the workflow or element.
Unsubscribe (Email) indicates the number of subscribers turning into un-subscribers after interacting with the email.
Delivered (SMS) shows the number of text messages that were sent.

You should reassess your marketing methods if your automation workflows reveal a significant amount of Unsubscribes or Suppression. Unlike with Campaigns, removing inactive contacts from your account isn't enough. We need to eradicate the source with Automations, whether it's customers entering wrong email addresses on sign-up forms or low-engagement elements. In any case, the settings for delays, triggers, and sign-up forms must be tweaked to have a better performance.

Updated on: 06/09/2021

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