How AVADA verify your email campaign before sending?
Main Purposes:
- To protect your sender reputation
- To check the quality of your contact list randomly
Before you send out any email campaign, that campaign will be reviewed by AVADA team to make sure it is not content phishing or the email deliverability does qualify our standard (Not exceed the allowed bounces rate, complaint rate and unsubscribe limit)
If your campaign is on review, no worry as it is a normal process. You can see the notification message like this:
How does it work?
When you live a newsletter campaign in AVADA, we will send to a sample group of your recipients around 1000 contacts (sample send) for verifying that campaign first.
We will check the reports of that group to make sure it's safe to send your campaign to the remaining contacts. In particular, your campaign will satisfy the sending limit when reports of 1000 sample sends do not exceed the following limits: 4% of bounce rate, 0.1% of spam rate, and 2% of unsubscribing rate.
If the sample reports do not go over sending limit, then your campaign can be sent to the remaining contacts automatically. You will not need to do anything else.
If the sample reports exceed any limit among 4% of bounce rate, 0.1% of spam rate, or 2% of unsubscribing rate then your campaign will be paused sending. And we will ask you to clean your contact list and contact our support. (You will be notified via email and in-app message). All other campaigns also will be paused until this campaign is verified successfully.
Normally this verification process will not take much time, not over 30 mins. But in some special cases, it can take up to 60mins. But do not worry, when your campaign is verified healthy, it will be sent out to the remaining contacts in a few minutes.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact AVADA support team in Livechat or via email address We're always willing to assist!
Updated on: 09/08/2021
Thank you!