How to use Sharable Sender to send WhatsApp messages
AVADA support you to send WhatsApp messages (both Automation and Manual) to your customers with Phone numbers.
For Automation WhatsApp, you can request WhatsApp to approve your own sender number or use AVADA sharable sender.
- Own WhatsApp Sender: Your phone number as sender. You will have full control of it and it identifies your brand. But you need to submit request and wait for WhatsApp to verify and approve your own sender
- AVADA Sharable WhatsApp Sender: A phone number used by numerous stores like you in AVADA. You can use this number immediately to send Automation messages.
After you send a request to enable Twilio number for WhatsApp and while waiting for your sender to be verified, you can use AVADA's Sharable Sender to send WhatsApp automation. Once you've submitted WhatsApp API request at AVADA, we will activate the shareable sender for you.
Shareable Sender after being enabled will display as Enabled status as shown below

*Note that the sharable sender only supports one-way WhatsApp sending in automation, you will not be able to see the message content when the contact replies. So for the convenience of receiving WhatsApp messages, you should verify your own sender.
However, customers can contact you through the phone number entered at Reply to phone number. We will add the contact link to some Automation Message Templates, through which customers can easily contact you via the phone number you provided.
To view templates, go to Message Templates > Select Settings > Select View templates at Automation Message Templates > Select the template you want to view.

In the automation workflow, when you edit a WhatsApp message, you can select the Sharable sender here:

For Automation WhatsApp, you can request WhatsApp to approve your own sender number or use AVADA sharable sender.
The differences between two WhatsApp senders
- Own WhatsApp Sender: Your phone number as sender. You will have full control of it and it identifies your brand. But you need to submit request and wait for WhatsApp to verify and approve your own sender
- AVADA Sharable WhatsApp Sender: A phone number used by numerous stores like you in AVADA. You can use this number immediately to send Automation messages.
How to use AVADA Sharable sender
When I can use sharable sender?
After you send a request to enable Twilio number for WhatsApp and while waiting for your sender to be verified, you can use AVADA's Sharable Sender to send WhatsApp automation. Once you've submitted WhatsApp API request at AVADA, we will activate the shareable sender for you.
Shareable Sender after being enabled will display as Enabled status as shown below

*Note that the sharable sender only supports one-way WhatsApp sending in automation, you will not be able to see the message content when the contact replies. So for the convenience of receiving WhatsApp messages, you should verify your own sender.
However, customers can contact you through the phone number entered at Reply to phone number. We will add the contact link to some Automation Message Templates, through which customers can easily contact you via the phone number you provided.
To view templates, go to Message Templates > Select Settings > Select View templates at Automation Message Templates > Select the template you want to view.

How to assign sharable sender in Automation workflows
In the automation workflow, when you edit a WhatsApp message, you can select the Sharable sender here:

Updated on: 12/01/2022
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