Articles on: Segments

AVADA Prebuilt segments

Once set up AVADA Marketing Automation, you will have 14 default segments in the Presets section of the Audience tab. These default segments identify key groups of subscribers within your account and are designed to help users get off in the right direction with a good sending strategy.

To access these default segment, go to Audiences -> Presets page. You should find the page right next to the Segments page.

AVADA prebuilt segments

To use a default or preset segment, simply click on the Create button next to a preset. Next, we will find out more about each default segment and what they are for.

New subscribers

Contacts who have signed up for your newsletter list in the last 30 days are considered new subscribers. These users will be included in this group if you've recently integrated your eCommerce platform or uploaded a CSV file of contacts to your newsletter list in the last two weeks.

Once someone has been on your newsletter list for longer than a month, they will filter out of this portion. In this portion, there is also a criterion that excludes anyone who is suppressed. While you can't email suppressed contacts by default, omitting them from a segment allows you to get a more accurate estimate of how many individuals you can email from that segment.

There are several reasons to use this segment. First, if you have a welcome subscriber workflow, you may want to exclude new subscribers until they finish going through the workflow to avoid sending mixed messages. Secondly, it is a good idea to keep an eye on this group. You may want to monitor the number of new subscribers overtime to ensure that the number of signups is growing.

Most engaged email subscribers

This segment includes email subscribers whose last activity occurred during the last 30 days. When you first start using the app, you won't see anyone in this segment until sending the first email, so your first campaign can't be sent to this group.

This is a good group to select as your loyal subscribers or customers. You can send exclusive offers for them to increase the conversion rate.

Active email subscribers

This segment includes email subscribers who have had activity in the last 90 days. Activities are opened or clicked on one of your emails. This is the primary group that you should send your campaigns and newsletters to.

Inactive email subscribers

In contrast to the one above, this segment has email subscribers who haven't had any activity with your emails (click, open) for at least 365 days. You should consider sending this segment a win-back email campaign or removing them completely from the email list.

Non-subscribed to the email channel

This segment has contacts that haven't subscribed to your email channel. You can create campaigns to encourage them to subscribe. However, remember that you should have consent from recipients before sending them a campaign.

Purchased in the last 30 days

Using an eCommerce platform like Shopify and Magento can give you insights on the purchase history of your subscribers as well. This segment has email subscribers who have purchased in the last 30 days.

There are many approaches to them, such as sending an upsell and cross-sell email campaign, a loyalty program, and more.

Hasn't purchased in the last 30 days

In this segment, you have email subscribers who haven't purchased in the last 30 days. Maybe your deal for them is not sweet enough, so consider sending them a time-limited coupon through your email.

Frequent buyers

Frequent buyers are those who have purchased multiple times from your store and will likely do so again. They are a good group of audience to target with branded content as they are clearly interested. You can send them exclusive offers for loyal customers to nudge in the direction of more purchases.

VIP customers

A VIP customer is someone who has purchased at least 5 items from your store, which means they have spent quite a bit of money on your brand. You can create this segment and send exclusive offers for VIP customers, or inform them of the milestones they are about to achieve and the rewards await them.

Total spent >= 500

As the number of orders may not truly represent the potential of a customer, you have this segment for email subscribers whose total spent has surpassed $500.

We also have segments for total spent under $100 and $100 - $500, which is helpful in grouping your subscribers based on their spending. This will give you the insights to craft deals based on each group's spending behavior.

Customers based in countries

Last but not least, you have segments for subscribers based on their countries. With this, you can target customers from the US/Canada, or the European countries. This will help you create better content based on their email and SMS laws to have a better deliverability.

Updated on: 29/07/2021

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