Articles on: Email Templates

Create a Plain Text or an HTML Email

In AVADA, we support 2 email editor types:
- Drag & Drop
- Rich Text Editor

You can create a Plain text email or HTML email with the second editor: Rich Text.

How to create a plain text or an HTML email

For now, you can only create a plain text or HTML email inside a workflow with AVADA (Not support Campaign yet).
Note that you can only do this with email that's not set up yet, not with a premade template.

Step 1: Drop a blank email to the automation workflow

To start, select a new email element that hasn't been set up, click on the Edit button on the right side board.

Step 2. Select Rich Text Editor

A popup will appear, giving you choices for the email editor. Select Rich text editor

Step 3. Build/Edit the email

This will open the plain text version of the email, where you can edit the content on the left and see the preview on the right. Here, you can write in basic information for the email like:

From: Your store or staff's email address
To: The variable {{ customer_email }} will pull in all of your list's emails, you can write in other variables to change this.
Reply to (optional): The email address that when your customer reply they will interact with.
Subject: The email's subject line.

We pull all text content from your editor, including alt text provided for images, to construct a text-only version of your email template through this editor. You can edit it just like writing a normal email with an email provider, with the basic tools consisting of:

Text option: Makes your text bold, italic, or have an underline, as well as changing the color and alignment
Link: Insert links into texts.
List: Numbered and bulleted lists.
Font: Select font family and font size.
Insert image: Upload images into your email.
Insert table: Create tables inside your email.

The more advanced features that you will find in our plain text email editor are:

Variables: These are used as codes to auto pull in data, such as {{ customer_name }} or {{ tracking_url }}.
Insert HTML: This feature lets you insert HTML code to define the look and feel of your email, giving you the full customization power for the template.

After you are done writing your plain text email, click on Save or Save and exit to finish.

Updated on: 06/09/2021

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