How to set up Unsubscribe Page?
This article helps you understand how to setup Unsubscribe page of your own. You can easily custom everything inside the page from design to description to learn more about why customers decide to unsubscribe from you.
After login to the app, please go to Setting> Preferences Center > Unsubscribe page

In this step, you will be able to adjust Unsubscribe Survey page and Unsubscribe Success page and as you want
Logo: Please upload a logo for the page. You can choose your business logo

Heading: Click to edit Heading. Write a short sentence that helps customers understand the main content of this page

Font & Alignment: Choose font for Heading

Typography: This is where you adjust color, font size, font weight, letter spacing, line height for Heading

Description: You can edit and write your own description to clarify Heading above or to ask customers why they want to unsubscribe from you

Unsubscribe Form
- Option List: We have default unsubscribe options for you. You can click to edit/add/delete them right away. You can give more reasons to unsub by adding more options at Add option. Besides that, please click on the checkbox " This is required field" if you do want customers skip their answer.
Like other text field setting, you can change font & alignment, typography including color, font size and weight for any option list.

- Text Input: This is where customers tell you their reason for unsubscribe action. You can custom this field by entering input placeholder, font & alignment, border and mark it as required

- Add component: Please click to add more component to the form

At Unsubscribe Success page, you will find similar setting to Unsubscribe Survey page. Please use the above instruction to configure Unsubscribe Success page

After you finish the setting for Unsubscribe Success page and Unsubscribe Survey page, please click Save.

Should you need any further help, please feel free to ask for our support via live chat. Thank you for reading!
Step 1: Access Unsubscribe Page
After login to the app, please go to Setting> Preferences Center > Unsubscribe page

Step 2: Edit Unsubscribe page
In this step, you will be able to adjust Unsubscribe Survey page and Unsubscribe Success page and as you want
1/ Unsubscribe Survey page
Logo: Please upload a logo for the page. You can choose your business logo

Heading: Click to edit Heading. Write a short sentence that helps customers understand the main content of this page

Font & Alignment: Choose font for Heading

Typography: This is where you adjust color, font size, font weight, letter spacing, line height for Heading

Description: You can edit and write your own description to clarify Heading above or to ask customers why they want to unsubscribe from you

Unsubscribe Form
- Option List: We have default unsubscribe options for you. You can click to edit/add/delete them right away. You can give more reasons to unsub by adding more options at Add option. Besides that, please click on the checkbox " This is required field" if you do want customers skip their answer.
Like other text field setting, you can change font & alignment, typography including color, font size and weight for any option list.

- Text Input: This is where customers tell you their reason for unsubscribe action. You can custom this field by entering input placeholder, font & alignment, border and mark it as required

- Add component: Please click to add more component to the form

2/ Unsubscribe Success page
At Unsubscribe Success page, you will find similar setting to Unsubscribe Survey page. Please use the above instruction to configure Unsubscribe Success page

Step 3
After you finish the setting for Unsubscribe Success page and Unsubscribe Survey page, please click Save.

Should you need any further help, please feel free to ask for our support via live chat. Thank you for reading!
Updated on: 27/09/2021
Thank you!