Articles on: Segments

How to Create a Subscribed Segment


Segmentation is a powerful tool that filters contacts with similar audience field data, group preferences, E-commerce activities, and other information. You can use segmentation to view contacts and send them email, SMS messages, and advertising campaigns based on their interests, purchases, and other criteria they have in common.

In this guide, you will learn how to create a Subscribed segment, including people who agreed to join your list.

Create a Subscribed segment

1. Create a Subscribed segment for Email channel

Step 1. Head to the Segments section

To create a Subscribed segment with email, navigate to the Audiences section > Segments > New segment. Choose Add filter.

Step 2. Create a subscribed segment for email

Scroll down and you’ll see the Email Status option.

Note: If you cannot find the Email Status option, please enter “Email Status” in the search bar. It will show up immediately.

Then, click Is Subscribed.

Hit Done to complete the condition. You should change the segment name instead of “New segment” and click Update to get it done.

You will see the green background of the email status under the Channel column, which indicates that the contact is subscribed (we have different colors for different channel status).

2. Create a Subscribed segment for SMS channel

Step 1. Head to the Segments section

The same process applies to SMS. Navigate to Audiences > Segments > New segment.

Step 2. Create a subscribed segment for SMS

Click Add filter > SMS Status > Is Subscribed.

Click Done, change the segment name, and Update to complete the process.

Updated on: 06/09/2021

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