Articles on: Segments

How to Create an Unsubscribed Segment


Your AVADA audience is designed to allow you to collect and manage all of your contacts in one place, whether they are subscribed, unsubscribed, not subscribed, or not confirmed. Unsubscribed contacts are people who were signed up to receive your emails, but are no longer currently.

In this guide, you will learn how to create an Unsubscribed segment.

Create an Unsubscribed segment

1. Create an Unsubscribed segment of Email channel

Step 1. Head to the Segments section

To create an Unsubscribed segment with email, navigate to the Audiences section > Segments > New segment. Choose Add filter.

Step 2. Create an unsubscribed segment for email

Scroll down and you'll see the Email Status option.

Note: If you cannot find the Email Status option, please enter "Email Status" in the search bar. It will show up immediately.

Then, click Is Unsubscribed.

Hit Done to complete the condition. You should change the segment name instead of "New segment" and click Update to get it done.

You will see the light orange background of the email status under the Channel column, which indicates that the contact is unsubscribed (we have different colors for different channel status).

Why do people unsubscribe your emails?

There are several reasons why a subscriber may appear as unsubscribed, including:

- Your subscribers click unsubscribe/opt out link in your email

- The subscriber forwarded the email from their inbox and the second recipient clicked the unsubscribe link. Unsubscribe links are linked to the original recipient. Instead, invite subscribers to use the Forward to a Friend link.

- Some inbox filters click on every link in your email and can accidentally unsubscribe people. If the contact is sure they have not forwarded your campaign, invite them to speak to their IT or hosting department about this issue.

- Unsubscribed by admin, when AVADA account user unsubscribes the customer.

2. Create an Unsubscribed segment of SMS channel

Step 1. Head to the Segments section

The same process applies to SMS. Navigate to Audiences > Segments > New segment.

Step 2. Create an unsubscribed segment for SMS

Click Add filter > SMS Status > Is Unsubscribed.

Click Done, change the segment name, and Update to complete the process.

Why do people unsubscribe your SMS messages?

There are some reasons why people unsubscribed your SMS messages, such as:

- Sending too many SMS messages. Usually, a client is subscribed to several companies at once, not just yours alone. This means if several companies are mailing everyday, subscribers may be annoyed. As a result, they will be prone to unsubscribe. So, make sure to adjust your sending frequency.

- Poor content. Many people who have canceled their subscription due to poor presentation. This may be because of unsuccessful or controversial humor, annoying offers, or useless information. So, you should write a short, to-the-point SMS prompting the reader to action. Try reading your message aloud to make sure it sounds right.

- The client has changed their phone number. This is a common reason for unsubscribing. Make sure to keep your database up to date.

- Unknown, any reason other than those listed above.

Any problem with this topic? Reach out to our Support Team via in-app chat or at <>.

Updated on: 06/09/2021

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